Iconic Entertainment Brands
Sunday brings the 83rd Annual Academy Awards Presentation affectionately known as The Oscars. Often it feels that the ceremony is more important than the award itself so the popularity of Oscar rises and falls with the current batch of “Best Picture” nominees or the success and/or failure of the selected host(s). This year The Oscars have created their own version of Match.com by pairing James Franco and Anne Hathaway – an unusual combination. Like everything on network TV (except perhaps Glee) the audience for Oscar is skewing older so this is supposed to be a nod to try to attract younger people. I am not sure it will work though since my personal focus group of three college students say they only watch the Red Carpet portion of The Oscars to see the dresses and hair. And, by the way, can you win the Best Actor award and be the host? This doesn’t bode well for James Franco. But by Monday all questions will be answered. We will know the winners and the ratings and whether all that glitters is still advertising gold.