Performance Marketing:
Where Business and Entertainment Meet

Focused on Marketing, Advertising and Entertainment

Entries in politics (2)


Tide for red and blue states

With the primary elections underway it has struck me that soon we will need to have separate versions of basic products such as Tide formulated to appeal to the Red and Blue states.  In the recent primary the citizens of Kentucky (my home state now) decided to select the most liberal Democratic candidate and the most conservative Republican candidate to run against each other in November.  What ever happened to working together and compromise?  Will television advertising and its unifying message keep us focus on what keeps us together?  We all use soap.  Stranger things have happened!  I saw a documentary where the Russian Baby Boomers said their love for The Beatles and desire to purchase their albums helped to bring down Communism.  


What Al and Tipper Gore Teach Marketers

No one saw this one coming and it is a good reminder to marketers.  It is very hard to predict consumer behavior.  All of the demographic and psychographic data in the world would not have had an indicator for this.  Having survived life in the political fish bowl, the near death of their son and a tragic presidential election, what would precipitate the close of this long-term marriage?  Time will tell I suppose.  I don't know about you but for me this will always be a vivid reminder that the consumer is a mercurial beast.